Letter from Mary Davey and Jane Hamilton

Dear Andrew,

We are writing to commend you and the Board of Trustees of the John Rae Society for their interest, commitment and dedication to the goals and objectives of the society during its inaugural year. An incredible amount of time and effort has contributed to raising awareness of John Rae’s accomplishments and place in history. Thank you.

In the past year the project has ranged from services of remembrance at St Magnus Cathedral, gravestone cleaning, school information boxes, newsletters, window screening at the Hall of Clestrain, publicity, website design and maintenance, a list of research materials, fundraising, all the way to the commemorative ceremony at Westminster Abbey!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making us feel so welcome during our past two visits to Orkney. And on behalf of our extended family we thank all those who are committed to the stewardship of John Rae’s legacy including the John Rae Society, Stromness Museum, Orkney Heritage Society, and to Jean and Ivan Craigie for continually welcoming people to visit the Hall of Clestrain.


Mary Davey and Jane Hamilton ( Great great nieces of John Rae )